Team Owner/Driver: Troy Truglio
Cars: 05 Lotus Elise Supercharged, Xterra, F250 SD diesel, 91
MR2 widebody V6
Interests: F1, Lemons/chump racing, mountain biking, bowling,
History: Troy has been into cars and bikes since a child and has
owned MR2's for the past 10 years. He has been racing Lemons and
chump for the past 2 years. He has a need to go fast on a
regular basis. Troy started the team and built the race car. He
has almost no time anymore as he keep himself very busy with his
new baby girl (Mya), his wife (Patty) and race car team. |
Team Driver: Kevin Tulay
Cars: 93 Toyota MR2 Turbo built.Suzuki Samari, 2009 Bugatti
Interests: ?
History: ? |
Team Driver Alternate:
Patty Truglio
Cars: 2009 Corolla
Interests: Hiking, Movies, Travel, Anything Fun
History: Patty does not know it yet, but she is an alternate
driver for the team and will fit in well. She supports the team
as the wife of the owner and lets him do his crazy racing when
he wants to. |
Team Member Platinum Level: Bill Strong
Cars: 2001 MRS 2ZZ, Tunda